Friday, March 4, 2011

Teacher's Grade

Survey Monkey is a great way to empower students and receive an accurate evaluation of your teaching.  My students rated my skills in multiple areas, answered open ended questions and awarded me a letter grade for first semester.  I received useful feedback that gave me a reference point for reflection.  The information has guided my teaching and opened candid conversations, bringing us closer together as a class.  We were able to bond over the stresses of the traditional assessment system, that party crashing report card.

Never to waste an opportunity for a fun math problem, I used this to teach GPA calculations, which included other bonus skills such as decimals and means.  Students were told by the school counselor that I would lose my xbox (Yes I do play Xbox) if I did not get high honors.  They found that my GPA was only good enough for regular honors and so I posed an extension problem.  If the person who gave me the lowest grade didn’t show up that day, would I have the magic GPA?